Emails / Email Course (2) Mapping IP Addresses and Protocols

Email Course (2) Mapping IP Addresses and Protocols
Hello, {{ subscriber.first_name | default: "friend" }}! 👋
So we type a URL and press enter.
Our request is now in flight. 🛫
Before getting to our destination, we've got to know where to land.
Remember, a URL is just a string that maps to an address for a location on a network. It contains the domain name, which our pilot needs to identify a network's true location.
In comes the DNS: the web's air traffic controller.
The Domain Name System is the database responsible for getting us to our destination. It is like an address book for websites. When you type a web address in your browser, the browser looks at the DNS to find the website's IP address before it can retrieve the website.
Now we're ready to bring the request in for a landing. 🛬
We've arrived at the server, where—if we're lucky—we can find the content we're looking for and ship it back to the user.
When our request reaches a server, it brings a ton of information—more than just the URL.
What other information might the server need to handle the request and send back the content we're looking for?
Write down two or three examples of what you think might be helpful for the server to know (other than the URL).
You can respond here!
PS: Don't forget, whenever you complete the challenge at the end of a lesson, you'll get the next lesson right away.